Thursday 10 November 2011

The Narrative section of the video (ideas)

We decided that we wanted to have performance footage as this fits the criteria of all of Paramore's music videos, but we also wanted to tell a story like in such video's as Playing God and Misery Business. We wanted the story we tell to fit to the song. This is the story that we have in our heads without actually having filmed yet, and hopefully everything will work out exactly as we plan it to.

The song starts and we see a girl (played by Steph) sitting by a lake, she is seen writing a letter and the paper she's writing on has lyrics of the song, as though she's writing her thoughts to someone but don't know who. She screws up the letter, throws it in the water and runs away. We next see her running through the forest, looking as though she is trying to find her way out. Throughout all of this part we see Steph in a dance studio dancing.

Throughout the actual narrative described, we want to have Me lip syncing in the woods and singing into an expensive Mic in the recording studio at college. We want to make the video as varied as we can, so we also plan to have close up of the guitars playing and the drum kit because we really feel that with a song like Monster, it really requires instruments being played.

We want the story to have a twist at the end, so towards to end of the song we see Steph running up to a summer house that looks old and derelict. She bursts through the door and halts immediately because she sees an alternate version of her sat on the chair, dressed in black and red, looking like a more evil version - showing both sides of a person. When the evil Steph smirks, the shot flicks back to were good Steph was standing but no one is there. Then right at the end of the song we go back to the start with the letter being written at the lake but it's the alternate Steph dressed in black sitting there writing the letter.

Hopefully this will leave the audience wondering if the nice version of the girl in the video was even there at all and whether the dark side had completely taken over.

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