Tuesday 15 November 2011

Filming Diaries - Dance Studio

We tried to book out the Dance Studio to film Stephs dance part because we thought it would look professional with the matted floors and wall of mirrors. However, the date we wanted to get it booked for had already been taken, but the sports hall was free.
Although this wasn't our first choice, it still was appropriate for what we needed it for. The only downside was that because it was a sports hall, there were the lines on the floor signalling different sports, which we didn't really want but it was only a small negative and didn't affect our filming in any way.

We tried to get a lot of different shots and so I filmed from different points of the hall trying to achieve different angles. I also had varying closeness between the camera and Steph. I think the filming went well, it would have been better if we had the room with the proper flooring but the sports hall was fine to use, and it was bigger.

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