Monday 21 November 2011

Filming Diaries - Using the Green Screen

We wanted to have two versions of the same person in one shot, but knew it would be difficult so we tried to experiment with the green screen because we thought it would be a really good thing to use if it worked. We brought in everything that we needed such as make up and clothes and set up the equipment for the green screen.
Again, there were some issues we had to deal with:
 - After we had set up the green screen in one of the empty classrooms, a teacher came in and  had booked out the room so we had to get all our stuff, including the green screen and find another available room.
 - Once we had another room and set up the green screen again, Steph got changed and as we were about to film the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building. This took out a lot of the time out of the lesson so we had to eventually film through our lunch time.

We got the shots we needed, but were a bit apprehensive as to whether it would work with the angles of the wall and the floor. We'll get the other shots we need actually at the summer house and then see which ones look best.

Even if we don't use the footage of the green screen in the actual music video, it was still useful to have experienced using it.

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