Thursday 17 November 2011

Filming Diaries - The Music Room

We wanted to have performance footage because all of the Paramore music videos we looked at had a lot of performance, so this was a big convention that we needed to take into account. We booked out the rehearsal rooms at college, and I have a lesson in there so I already knew the layout and how to set up the equipment.

A huge problem we faced, was that we didn't have a band to play the song for us. We wanted to have footage of the instruments as well as just a singer but it was difficult when we didn't have a band to use. One of my friends plays guitar and agreed to help us out by learning Monster and playing it for us, he also tried to do something similar to the drum beat - even though he didn't play drums.
To make it look like there were two different people playing the instruments, we had a shot on the drums with Jamie wearing a jumper and on the guitar he had a black hoodie.

We only needed simple shots for the drums - such as the crash cymbals and the kicking of the bass drum. another problem was that my friend didn't actually want to be seen in the video, so it's going to be difficult to make sure he's not in any of the footage.

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