Friday 23 September 2011

Conventions of a digipak from the pop/punk genre...

Looking at some of the popular bands in this genre, and their part in music videos, magazines and their albums, there are certain things that are common throughout.

There is usually a certain font that a band choose and then they stick to that and have to same style anywhere the band’s name is shown. For example, the All Time Low name font:

Although these album covers are for different albums, the font and style of the wording for the band name is the same. I think this is an important convention. Also little details can be added to make it more interesting – in this case the skull and exclamation mark.

Bright colours can be seen a lot in this genre – especially the album covers. Something I’ve noticed is that the covers are quite cartoon like for a lot of the bands in this genre, and the band name usually have big bold fonts.
The live performance DVD covers:

The dvd covers link in well with the content of the dvd more than the albums do – they have photos of the band on the front and pictures taken of the live performances. Guitars and drum kits etc. can be seen on the back and this is appropriate for the pop/punk genre. An example of this is Green Day and Fall Out Boy:

It’s important to mention on the front where the live footage is being filmed – as seen on both these dvd covers, so it’s clear to the audience.
A list of features need to be put on the back of what the dvd contains (the songs that are sung and anything else).
Also the dvd logo needs to be on there and other things that are seen on a dvd such as the barcode.
Something else I noticed is that the band’s name is written in big letters on the front so that needs to be taken into account when creating my own dvd cover.

Magazine Adverts:

Fashion – very casual clothing is worn – mostly jeans and t-shirts, nothing too formal because that isn’t appropriate to the style of music or how it originated.
A photograph of the band is usually shown.

There are pictures of the band pulling silly faces or poses (as seen to the left and right) and  this shows they don’t take themselves too seriously or mind looking stupid.
·         Quotes from the band, a comment about their achievements/success
·         The details of the latest album, when it’s being released or when it was released if it’s already out.
·         The band’s name in a big, bold font.

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