Wednesday 28 September 2011

Analysing music videos from other artists...

Blink 182 - All The Small Things

I chose to briefly analyse a blink 182 because for most people they are the most popular pop/punk band. However, there isn’t really much to say because the video is very simple.
There isn’t a narrative with this video like there are with a lot of music video, and basically the video just completely makes fun of boy bands all the way through, it doesn’t really have a story to it at all.
The fact that the band are just having fun really fits the conventions of the genre, it’s not a serious video at all – like a lot of the blink 182 videos.

I’d say the most common convention for this genre is the performance footage – it’s not live footage from a tour, but we do see the band performing with their instruments and a group of fans surrounding them. This can be seen in the majority of pop/punk videos.

The lighting is really bright and it looks like natural light because it’s filmed in the daytime. The costumes they wear don’t really reflect their personality except for what they are wearing during the performance footage. The white suits and combat trousers when dancing are just making fun of bands that are like that for instance Backstreet Boys.
The band aren’t afraid to say what they think or make idiots of themselves (Tom dresses as a girl and Mark dances around in white underwear).

The camerawork is quite simple but there are a range of shots used varying from close-ups, medium shots and long shots. The camera uses a lot of panning across the scene and usually to a different one. The editing is fairly simple too – the shots fit in with the time of the music making them appropriate for the song, and there aren’t many effects used apart from a few quick fade in/fade out’s into a different scene.

Overall it’s a simple, amusing video that fit with the conventions of the pop/punk genre and isn’t too thought out.

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