Tuesday 27 September 2011

Live footage from the bands performances...

Paramore have really dedicated fans. Some people would say that they band have made them smile everyday, whereas others would say that Paramore have saved their life through the love of the music. I thought it would be interesting to put a video showing this.

In this video, Hayley isn't even present because she couldn't sing the song after her voice went. Josh explains that they will still play Misery Business if the crowd sing.

They manage to get through the whole song without the singer even being on stage, because of the volume of the crowd singing along. I think this alone just shows the dedication of the fans and the sheer love of the music.

There is a lot of energy put into the live performances and the band have a signature 'move' that they do often. In this clip, the bassist Jeremy, falls over rotates and falls to the floor. Although this must have been embarrassing, he gets up and acts like he did it on purpose. This links to the conventions of the genre because the band members seem really cool about everything - they're laid back and relaxed.

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